Thursday, May 20, 2010

NESCBWI, Or, Laura Is Much Taller In Person.

Okay if this photo looks familiar, it's because I nicked it from Anna's blog. Thanks Anna. (In Anna's version, my eyes are actually open). So, here we are at the NESCBWI. It's Kris, Karen, ME (see, I do exist), and Anna. If you follow those links, they will take you to the posts that those fab women wrote about their experience at the conference.
I have been zapped out of the first picture and replaced with the fantabulous Laura! (so, maybe, I don't exist?)

Last time I attended the NESCBWI, I went with my writing partner Robert, who sadly now lives very far away in the beautiful land of make-believe Washington State.  I missed sharing this conference experience with Robert, but I loved meeting all the cool New England bloggers.  Laura is much taller in person!  Seriously.  I felt like everyone I met meshed with how they were in my head, except that Laura was much taller in person than in my head version. :)

I also saw Nandini, and Martha, two writers who live in my town.  Woo-Hoo, Natick Writers Unite!

So, my favorite parts of the conference?

  • Believe it or not, my meeting with Sarah Davies.  Evidently I have officially processed her feedback, and come out the other side.  Go me!  Go her!  Go constructive criticism!
  • When Cynthia Leitich Smith told us to write in all genres, to reinvent ourselves as writers again and again, and that one of her books had 62 DRAFTS!!!  Woo-hoo!
  • When Stacy DeKeyser told us to expose ourselves (to stand naked), to be fearless, in order to find our writing voice.
  • Seeing how passionate Sarah Davies, Edward Necarsulmer, and Ammi-Joan Paquette were at the agent panel.  They really go the extra mile for their writers!  (Anna, you are one lucky, talented duck!)
  • Meeting so many wonderful writers.

I didn't write about NESCBWI until after our WIBIJ game ended today.  Because WIBIJ visited all of these awesome New England writers' blogs.  I didn't want to give anything away.  The game was a blast, btw, I hope you join us sometime!

I'm still nervously watching Goldie #2.  I have not killed it yet.

Things got a little WILD in The Practice Room today, when I got all competitive.  Kate awesomely rose to the bait challenge.  Who's up for another challenge in The Practice Room?

Tomorrow, for the sake of continuity, New Englander Kris will grace me with her presence, here at my Friday Feature.  Come by and leave her an awesome question about her journey toward publication!!

Tahereh has an awesomely creative contest happening at her blog right now!  Go ahead, check it out!

So, what's going on in your neck of the writing world--virtual or otherwise?  How's everyone today?


  1. Sounds like you had a blast! What a great opportunity!

  2. My neck of the woods is overpopulated with maples and underpopulated with inspiration this week. Although, I did have a fantabulous chat with a CP who opened up my mind.

    Oh, yeah, that was you.


  3. How fun to spend time with writer friends! I love how writing conferences rejuvenate the spirit.
    And CRAP! I didn't do WIBIJ yesterday! I was working and forgot all about it. (sorry WIBIJers!)

  4. Gosh, Kelly! Totally understandable!

    And The Practice Room was wild this morning!! Thanks for bringing that on this am.

    Oh, writing friends. So nice to have you all.

  5. Kelly H-Y--it was a lot of fun. I think next year I might go up for more than one day. More time to connect.

    Jon--Aw, thanks!! It was my pleasure. I don't know how people do this writing thing in solitary.

    Kelly--That's no problem, come when you can (we did have fun, though!)! And we missed your glittery presence!

  6. Tina--it was a ton of fun. I needed an extra ooomph to get into my writing today. Thanks for all the opportunity for all of us in the practice room. It really does get me writing when feel stuck!

  7. Fun! Laura and I might see eye-to-eye, literally. I went to a wedding this weekend and my friends are putting the photos up on FB. I'm always shocked when I see myself next to a group of people who aren't exactly short. I skew the whole picture if I'm on an end.

    Glad the critique is settling into "positive experience" world. Yay!

  8. I don't know why I thought Laura would be of smaller stature. It is more about a quirk of my brain than anything else! (Clearly, we're all the same height in the pictures)

    And I'm happy that the critique is living in a happier place in my brain.

  9. You ALL look SO pretty and fresh - did you apply a little stage make up or is it simply your natural beauty shining through????

    I LOVE your jacket Heather - I have a similar one in Khaki!

    I won't tell you what's going on as we have already e-mailed each other a billion times today so you know more about me than hubby and kids...

    HEY - Tina, Jon and Heather + other cool players really DID get wild - check it out friends!!!

  10. Hi Heather - And I'm really not that tall. :) Only 5.6 and a half. :) Great pix. None of mine turned out that good.

    And I thought you were going to be taller. :) Can't wait to all meet up again next year.

  11. I, personally, hope to be taller and thinner next year. All you lovely, tall ladies were so fun to hang with. Looking forward to joining you tomorrow, Heather for the Friday Feature! I'm a little nervous! And, I'm spending Monday and Tuesday focused on writing -- any practice room action happening next week??

  12. Ann Marie--that's the glow of inspiration, I think! It was the end of the day, and thank goodness someone had the foresight to whip out the cameras!

    Laura--I know, it's super weird, you're not overly tall--just a strange brain misfire. I'm so glad you commented--suddenly I was worried that my blog weirdness and candor might offend you in some way! You are lovely, and I was so happy to meet you in person! And, sometimes I think I'm taller than I am, too!

    Kris--excited for tomorrow! And, Tina will post the schedule on Sunday, but email her if you have any time preferences!!

  13. Wow I'm slouchy in those pictures! Must remember to stand up straight next time. I'm glad you've had time to process Sarah's critique and figure out how to proceed - it will just make your manuscript that much better in the end!

  14. You guys are HOT STUFF! AGHHH I'm so jealous!


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