Tuesday, October 2, 2012

TED Talk Tuesday: Nigel Marsh with Work-Life Balance

First let me say thank you to everyone who celebrated Natalie's book birthday with us on Friday--what fun that was!

Second, when your child tells you that he put the ice cream away in the refrigerator, don't just assume he meant freezer. Check.

Okay, now that we have the business end of things out of the way, let me introduce today's TED talk.
Work-life balance, says Nigel Marsh, is too important to be left in the hands of your employer. Marsh lays out an ideal day balanced between family time, personal time and productivity -- and offers some stirring encouragement to make it happen.
I love this:
If you don't design your own life, someone else will....
And this:
We need to elongate the time frame upon which we judge the balance in our life. 
And his conclusion--his example of being present in his own life and how small investments are the key.

Can't see the TED talk? Watch it at TED.com

How do you balance work and life? Do you have routines or trade secrets which allow you to invest your energy in the areas where you will get the most valuable results? Does where you spend your time align with your values and goals?

Is ice cream okay after twenty-four hours in the fridge?


  1. I'm getting better at balancing work and life, hopes and dreams. Honestly, I pray everyday. It keeps me grounded and reminds me of what is truly important.

  2. balance is the most important thing for all of us to achieve :) I love these TED talks you share!


  3. I like them too, but I have to say I liked the last one a little better with all the people high-fiving the guy on the escalator. that made me so happy :)

  4. I struggle with finding the balance. Lately it's been working well. Maybe because I have to be up at 5:00 to get my daughter to 6:00 swim practice. But you're right. We do have to take control of our lives.

  5. I would still eat the ice cream...

    Balance is something that seems to come and go. Some days I feel on top of things, and some days I don't. At all.

  6. Sheri--That's great that you are figuring out the balancing thing. I have to say that I balance by not balancing, I think. Some days it is all about the writing. Some days it is all about the laundry. :)

    Nutschell--I'm glad you enjoy the talks! I find them fun and informative. :)

    Kristen--I LOVE Charlie Todd's TED talk. I watch that whenever I need my faith in humanity restored. :)

    Natalie--As much as I hate to say it, I find that finding writing time in the early morning is good for my sense of balance as well. But it's painful because I'm not generally a morning person. :) Swim team practice doesn't start up for us until end of October, and it is late at night. Another thing I'll balance into the mix!

    Anna--I haven't dug into the ice cream yet--it is going to top some apple crisp, but since I was sick for the past few days, I didn't get a chance to make it. I love how Nigel talks about balance on a larger scale--not in terms of a day, but maybe a week, or two. I definitely need that much time to pay attention to everything in my life. :)

  7. I balance family and work very well, I think. And I can safely add one more thing, and still pull it off. Sadly, it seems I have to choose between writing, and staying in shape.

  8. I'm glad you are a good balancer. Not a word, I know. :) I have real trouble choosing between exercise and writing. This past week was all about the revision, and I am feeling icky. I am hoping next week to get in some runs. :) Thanks for stopping by! And, everyone, say "hey" to Ray on twitter: @Ray_Veen. :)

  9. Great video, as for the ice cream. It's still good--milkshakes make the world go-round.


  10. Those second and third quotes are so true!

  11. Aw, bummer about the melted ice cream! Darn! This TED Talk sounds great. I'll have to watch it tonight. Am getting ready to head home in a few minutes when my daughter gets home. Not much balance in my life right now, but I'm working on it!

  12. 2mara--Milkshakes do make the world go round. :)

    Marcia--I agree. Thanks for stopping by!!

    Lynn--Yay! Great to see you. Sorry I've been revising and haven't gotten to your site so often. I remedied that by stopping by during your book release party. Congrats again!


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