Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tuesday Monday Meeting, The Most Segregated Hour In America

Happy belated Martin Luther King Jr. Day, everyone!

The Sunday before MLK Jr. Day hosts my favorite church service of the year. I know, it should be Easter. Or even Christmas. It's not.

Martin Luther King said that the most segregated hour of the week in the United States is on Sunday:

We must face the fact that in America, the church is still the most segregated major institution in America. At 11:00 on Sunday morning when we stand and sing and Christ has no east or west, we stand at the most segregated hour in this nation. This is tragic. Nobody of honesty can overlook this. Now, I'm sure that if the church had taken a stronger stand all along, we wouldn't have many of the problems that we have. The first way that the church can repent, the first way that it can move out into the arena of social reform is to remove the yoke of segregation from its own body.

The church to which I belong employs gay ministers, has a sister synagogue, and a partnership with an African Methodist Episcopal church--which was where I was grooving this past Sunday. Can I get an Amen?

We make it a point to make sure that in that hour, on that day, our two churches are least segregated.

This past Sunday, I greeted friends that I rarely see, rocked out to an extremely moving (literally, and emotionally) church service, and understood that just by being there--just by carrying this day in my heart--I was doing something.

Not that it is enough.

How do you celebrate?

On the writing side of things, I am plunging through revisions, and attempting to make a lot of headway this week.  Has anyone tried yWriter? It looks like an interesting program.

With the help of an assistant, I am printing things out today, because, as much as I try to do everything on the computer, sometimes, I need to see the hard copy. Free waffles for all my assistants!

I threw in a few more dollars into the coffer this weekend--happily I might add. It is not too late to join us in our Resolution 2011, if you feel so inspired!!

What are your goals for the week?


  1. I have to revise on paper, too. I just miss too much while reading it on the screen.

    Good call on the assistant. I could use one of those myself but I hear that before they get to the stage where they can print on demand, you first much gestate them for nine months, nurse them, cater to every whim, and potty train them. They sound like a lot of work if you ask me.

  2. That sounds like an amazing church service, and your church sounds awesome too!
    My goal is to finish my revisions for good this week. (though I still have my critique group friend who has my ms....so she will prob have a few more suggestions for me.)

  3. The good Lord knows I need an assistant. Oh man.

    I think your church is doing what I think churches should be doing. And that's leading. I hate the notion that a church is suppose to define what you believe. By teaching leadership and open-mindedness, your church sounds like a great place to be.

  4. Tracey--boy did I resist printing it out. But I've already made such headway, that it's been definitely worth it. And yup, I've put a lot of training into that assistant!! :)

    Kelly--Toast the end of that revision with champagne--you've earned it!!

    Jon--Don't you have a furry assistant? I think our church is amazing. And I am a hard sell when it comes to churches. That whole religion thing can get convoluted. So glad to have found it. :)

  5. Your church service: Sounds fun!!! Great way to celebrate.

    Goal for the week: Keep working on my monthly goal.

  6. That's great that your church is able to do that. And I loved the free waffles comment. Too cute.

  7. Your church sounds like an amazing place, Heather. :-)

    On the writer side--I think hard copies rock in-terms-of revising. Have fun with those pages.

  8. Oh, I print out everything. It's so much easier to see and move and shuffle through that way.

    Goal: outline this week. That's right. OUTLINE. *shudder*

  9. I'm glad I found you, Heather. You are a special person/writer.

  10. Anita--Sticking to the monthly goal is a great idea. We had a rockin' time at church, I have to say. :)

    Laura--My assistant does like to get paid in waffles. LOL

    Paul--For some reason I just really see things better that way. I wonder if that will change for the kindle generation...

    Elana--Me too. And, oh, the dreaded outlining! Good luck!!

    Emma--Thanks, you're sweet!

  11. Sounds like a great church service! Must make Sundays a truly joyous day for you.

    Your kiddo sure is precious. She's not about to let go of that waffle for anything! Too cute! Good luck with the hard copy edits!

  12. One thing I love about my church is that we have a historically multi-ethnic community. Once you've experienced that you never want to go back to one flavor. Thanks for this post! I am going to start following you.


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