Monday, January 3, 2011

Resolution 2011: Monday Meeting

Pip watches over my writing resolution calendar.
Ah, the first Monday Meeting of 2011.  There are so many things I love about the New Year. The fresh start. The excitement of the future, which is happening RIGHT NOW. 2011!! A whole new year rolled out in front of us, waiting to be filled with whatever we want.  You know, kind of like a blank page. A blank year.

I'm resolved to fill it with more writing. Even though I've never been a big fan of resolutions.

But I am a big fan of accountability (see The Practice Room), competitive writing (see the Tour De Writing), and the writing momentum of the masses (oh, if every month could be a NaNoWriMonth or WriteOnCon!).

To kick off 2011, we're doing resolutions competitively (kinda), with accountability, and with camaraderie. Jon and I came up with a plan to actually be successful with our resolution--successful even if we fail.  Intrigued?  We invite you to join us!!

1. Pick a writing resolution.  Any writing resolution.
Mine?  To write every day.  That's it.

2. Pick a charity.  Any charity, close to your heart.
Ours?  Room to Read.  Room to Read builds LIBRARIES and gets BOOKS into the hands of impoverished children.  We have a page set up to track our donations, and you are more than welcome to be a part of our Resolution 2011 over there.  We'd love you to chose our charity if you don't already have one in mind!

3. Each and every time that you don't meet your resolution, donate to your charity.
Since I'm planning on writing every day :), I'm donating $25 to start, and will finish the year with a donation as well.  Each day that I don't write, I pledge $1 to Room to Read.

4. Blog about your resolution and charity, and check out the other writers rocking Resolution 2011:

I'll keep updating the list as people post about their wonderful goals and charities.  You can join in any time!  Please email me at hegkelly at gmail dot com with a link to your post about your Resolution 2011, or with any questions.

And please join me here on Friday for an excellent and exciting Friday Feature update about Terry Lynn Johnson's newly released book, DOGSLED DREAMS. Congrats, Terry!! I will be giving away a PRIZE too!!

Does anyone know where I put my coffee?  What are your writing resolutions?  How were your holidays? Do you have goals for this first week of January?


  1. I read Dianne's post this morning. Great idea. I already donate to charities so I'm not participating, plus I write practically every day. :D

  2. Cool, Heather. I am a big advocate of writing everyday. Prob everybody knows that already. Anywho, this resolution thrills me so I will have my post up sometime today and join you two. Great idea. I've written already today, but I owe a dollar already for Saturday.

  3. Stina--sounds like you have all your ducks already in a row! Happy New Year!

    Tina--Awesome! And, you don't need to backtrack, I think, unless you really want to. It's all about working forward. Anyone can start any time!! Woo-hoo!!

  4. I think I'm taking a social media hiatus to get my writing back on track.

    Like the donation idea. I'll have to think on that one. Feeling broke right now - my car realized I paid it off and decided it needed a bunch of work.

  5. Honestly, I haven't felt this fab in ages... I can't wait to stick to my resolution.... and I am mighty happy with the outcome if I fail!


  6. What a great idea! You guys always come up with the best ideas. I'll have to consider some goals and charities. :-)

  7. Sarah--bummer about the car. Isn't that always the way? I'm glad you're going to work on writing, even though I always miss you while you're gone...

    Marisa--I loved your post today about your resolution. It was awesome!! And, it was a collaboration, this idea. But I'll take the Goddess title, if I must. :)


  8. Good luck with the resolutions. I have some but I never write them down, because they don't seem to change. Write, write, write. Read, REad, read. :) I'm so happy for Terry!

  9. Yay, Heather!
    Glad to be a part of this! Tonight's scheduled writing, revising Pinpoint (which is getting a title change, at some point). What are you working on?

  10. What a great idea! I'd heard of people doing this with fitness goals, but I hadn't thought about applying it to writing. Yay 2011!

  11. I'm going to have to say this is the best resolution I've seen so far. I'm committed to a few charities already so I'm no participating, but if I had an award to offer for the best resolutions on blogs, yours would win.

    You're awesome!

  12. Glad to have found your blog! My writing resolution: to remember why I love writing, and to write for the joy of it.

    Happy new year!

  13. just curious: it's the middle of March. how goes the resolution?

    -- Tom


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