Monday, January 18, 2010

Monday Meeting

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day, everyone!

The Sunday before MLK day, my church always has a rip-roaring service with our urban sister church. Can I get an Amen? It's the best service all year, because the spirit of both congregations is boisterous. And, we each get to see how the other side lives. We worship out of our comfort zones. Martin Luther King Jr. said that the most segregated hour in America was 10:00 AM on Sunday. Well, not at our churches, on the Sunday before his day.

I always hesitate to talk about going to church, teaching Sunday school and the like, because I have misgivings about organized religion. Can you tell I was a Sociology major, when the words "opiate of the masses" come to my lips? A lot of bad stuff has been done to a lot of people in the name of organized religion. But, our church relishes diversity, and not only do we have a sister African Methodist Episcopal (AME) church, but a sister synagogue. Good stuff.

So, while I'm still riding the waves of our Shared Dream service (Mardi Gras for the soul!), I'll get down to business.

Ehem. I give you the Monday Meeting:

Last week I was not as productive as I wanted to be in my writing, but I slowly started getting back on track. I organized, and re-read, and generally immersed myself within my revision. This week I want to pick up speed. I want to find a large chunk of time to just write. I'm not sure I'll be able to obtain that, but I'm going to try.

I'm excited about what the week will bring.

I hope I will be able to carve out more time to revise. And, I don't know if it is leftover from my stirring Sunday, but I am really pumped up. Let's get writing!

And, I encourage everyone to read something specifically outside of their usual reading zone, in honor of the holiday.

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day, everyone! What are your goals for the week? Are you fired up to write?


  1. That sounds like a fun service!
    I completed my final revisions last week, so I'm excited about that. This week: query letter (starting tomorrow, kids are home from school today)!

  2. Heather, you got me über pumped up this weekend too! ;)

  3. Kelly--that is soooo exciting. You must feel on top of the world (and probably apprehensive as well) Keep me posted on the querying. You're pumping me up even more!

  4. Jon-- I'm so psyched about that! Have a fantastic writing week!

  5. That sounds like my kind of service. :-)

  6. Erica--I look forward to this particular service all year long.

  7. It sounds like you had a very inspiring Sunday. I hope it propels you into a great writing week!

  8. For some reason gathering with other believers is incredibly inspiring. Glad you had a good weekend.

    And yes, I do attend the NESCBWI conference. It really is coming up fast. Registration should be soon. That is always a different kind of inspirational weekend. :) - Laura

  9. Heather, I feel like I'm kinda in the same place you're in with revisions. I wish you the best of luck, hope the ball is rolling for the both of us. And nothing like the word smithing of Dr. King to add energy to our prose!

    Kelly- So excited for you. That has got to feel great!

  10. What a great church and a great idea to mix things up like that. I totally agree on reading outside your zone--really opens your eyes.

  11. Paul--I'm determined to make it a fruitful week writing-wise. Thanks for all the e-mail support!

  12. Laura--I'm so excited for the NESCBWI. I'm hoping I have something polished enough to do a critique...

  13. Tina--let's kick each other's butts and get REVISING!

  14. karenb--I agree. It's important to read deliberately.

  15. I gave you an award, Heather! Check it out. I'll be back in the next couple days to catch up on your posts.


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