While I am busy writing, not blogging, I thought I'd direct you to a clip for your viewing pleasure. (Warning--it may not be suitable for children.) Sometimes It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia goes beyond my comfort zone, but this Kitten Mitton clip always makes me laugh (just click on the 'video clip' and the video pops up below, once you are at the page).
I'm sure that shortly, I'll be back to my regular blogging programming. :)
In the meantime, why don't you let me know what you're blogging about, and link to it in the comments? Do you watch It's Always Sunny? What's your TV guilty pleasure?
As far as #ROW80 goals, I've had two weeks which were hijacked by school vacation, and then a sick child. While no writing was accomplished, I did have many adventures. I'm sure I'll talk about them on the blog when I'm back to writing for your entertainment!
But this week, I'm off to a great start, hitting my two hours of writing a day, and exercising as well. So, hopefully the momentum will continue!
How do you get that momentum rolling? How has your writing life been?