Monday, January 9, 2012

Purple Nose Accountability

Welcome to this week's Monday Meeting, and Sunday check-in. (I'm only late on one of those counts!!)

I drive around town with a purple nose on the front of my car:

A couple of years ago, my husband decorated my car as a bat for Halloween. Black wings flew from the top, and a the purple nose classed up the bumper. :)

Pretty soon I realized that I enjoyed the purple nose. I like being a bit different, I love the color purple, and most of all, I love that when I pull up in front of the school, my kids know that it is me. They never approach the wrong car.

But, driving around with a purple nose means that I have to be accountable for my driving. People know it's me. I can't drive aggressively, or cut people off. I drive respectively because I can't hide in anonymity.

I feel as though having these goals during the next 80 days, as a part of the ROW 80 community, has given me purple nose accountability. I have to own up to my progress.

So far, so good. I have been using my two hours a day to revise the first 2/3 of my manuscript, looking closely at each scene, with the aid of this Scene and Sequels technique. My friend Marisa gave me the link while in the Practice Room (we'd love to have you there to talk writing--it's great fun). In fact, I need to go and sign up to run a session over there to fulfill this week's goal!

So, I'm basically on track--I've been noting where all my writing and exercising time is going in a daily calendar.

It's really illuminating, and what I spend my time on is as clear as the purple nose on my face.

It's not all coming up lilacs--I couldn't keep up with my writing time over the weekend. Weekends are family time, and I'm going to try to carve out time to write, but if I can't, well, I'll just revise my goals.

How are you keeping yourself accountable? What are you working on this week? Do you have goals? Would you drive around with something weird on your car? Do you have purple nose accountability?

Honk if you see me cruising with my purple nose!


  1. To keep myself accountable, I overshare with Hubby what exactly I've done revision-wise during the day. I also keep a task list. This only helps a little.

  2. Oh go YOU for giving scene and sequel a shot - it's hard work, but I find it makes all the difference for those scenes I didn't think felt totally right, but I wasn't sure why.

    and your PURPLE NOSE. oh man, I love that your car has a purple nose! You are such a character - as is your awesome-nosed car!

  3. Ooh, goals...and tools. Too good things I might need to check out for myself.

    I love your purple nose...:)

  4. LOVE LOVE LOVE the purple nose. Soooo cute and I love how it helps you be the best driver you can be!!! That's awesome.
    It sounds like you've had a great week thus far...woot woot. I find getting writing time in on the weekends can be a definite challenge because hubby and I play so much so it's definitely hit and miss. I am ok with it because it motivates me to try and kick butt during the week (which is sounds like you are doing)!
    Yeahhhh....keep up the great work!

  5. This is so apt. I love your purple nose and yes that is exactly what ROW 80 is for me too. One of my goals is make every check-in regardless as to how things turned out. Great job!

  6. Writing down your time certainly reveals where time is wasted. Not driving with a purple nose, but I've told everyone when I intend to finish my next book. Now the pressure is on!

  7. Ha HA! Love the purple nose.

    For years I drove around with a peace magnet on my car (until someone stole it... a peace symbol!). People always knew it was me in my itty bitty little town.

    I like this idea of accountability to your writing like the nose provides accountability for your driving.

  8. Love the purple nose! I have a Razorback on the back window of my car, so my daughter knows it's me. In NE Iowa there aren't a lot of Hog fans.

    I'm jotting down each day what I do that pertains to writing in a daily calendar. That way I can see if I am putting in enough time and effort...and if not I'll see that too.

  9. Love the purple nose! I don't put anything on my car. I'm averse to stickers and such. It's enough that my car isn't the mainstream type. Kia stopped selling it in the U.S. in 2010 because the styling wasn't popular with Americans. But it sells well in Europe and Canada, and it also the most practical car I've seen!

    In regard to writing I must thank my German friend in Berlin who looks over my chapters for German authenticity. She's quite involved with the story. It motivates me to produce more and send her my work regularly.

  10. Love the purple nose (and the color purple). Awesome that you're meeting your goals.

    I was still on vacation with my writing last week because my daughter was off school. I have to get back into it.

  11. LOL - the purple nose is cute! Wouldn't go well on my car, but luckily there's no need on a red Camaro with vanity plates! If I let myself get carried away with writing like in my car, I'd get nothing else done but boy would I have fun. There would probably be people who hate me too LOL. ROW80 is great for accountability - just knowing I have to post my progress (or lack thereof) for all to see is a great motivator!

  12. Hi Heather- thanks for stopping by my blog! I think your purple nose has a lot of character. :)

    When I was a kid, my dad drove my brother and I across Wyoming in a crazy rush to get somewhere on time. He drove all night but just before dawn he stopped at a rest area to sleep for a bit. When we woke up we realized we were right next to a cemetery and an old plastic wreath had blown onto our truck. He wired it onto the front grill of the truck and it stayed there for years until it disintegrated.

    Anyway- I'm glad you are keeping track of the important things and staying accountable. I'm sure this will be a good year for you!

  13. The purple nose on your car cracked me up! Too funny! My kids would have tried to remove it. They would have been very embarrassed.

  14. @Alicia--LOL. I can hear you speak your comment. "This only helps a little." LOL

    @Marisa--I love scene and sequel. I'm no longer struggling with the why-doesn't-this-scene-work. I'm relieved. And happy to do the work.

    @Kris--I think you are doing fine on both counts--goals and tools. :)

    @Natalie--I'm so glad you get time to play on the weekends. What would our writing be if we didn't live??

    @Yolanda--I love the task oriented work ethic of ROW 80. And that it is sustainable (as long as we set appropriate goals). I'm so happy to have found it, and all the supportive people cheerleading us on!!

    @Alex--Indeed! That is definitely a deadline to meet! Good luck. :)

  15. @Michelle--My kids one time walked through a parking lot and came out the other side with a Patriot's car magnet. They said they got it off the ground, and what was it for. Hopefully they didn't swipe it from a car (they are pretty forthcoming...) Maybe a child grabbed your peace sign... :)

    @Sharon--That's great that you are keeping track! The mystery of where time is going is solved! I love knowing where I'm putting my writing energy.

    @svetlanakarlin--the enthusiasm of beta readers can be so motivating! I'm thankful you have her in your writing life!

    @Natalie--good luck jumping back in. I hope you get that momentum rolling quickly!

  16. @Jennette--I definitely feel like I will disappoint myself if I don't keep up with my ROW 80 goals!

    @Jill--What a great memory. I hope that makes it into a book of yours someday. I love that your dad had wire to use on the spot (or maybe it was on the wreath...) Great details!

    @Russ--My kids are still amused by their mother's antics. My oldest just turned 12 on Saturday--I know embarrassment of his parents is right around the corner!

  17. Thanks for the amusing story and Jill's comment is pretty funny too. Yes, Hunk! Hunk! to setting goals

  18. Writing my blog certainly helps me keep accountable - I guess it's my purple nose - my way of being visible.

  19. I need a purple me think of one

  20. Not only do I like your symbol of accountability, it's really fun to say!


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