Tuesday, April 12, 2011

J is for Jon

Some things are best said in another language. El me cae bien. Which translates to: I fall in well with him. Which is just a very cool way to describe friendship, I think. And that is how I feel about my crit partner Jon.

I turn to Jon unabashedly when I'm stressed, or overwhelmed, and when I'm enthused. He is supportive of all my writing emotions. And let's face it, there are a ton. On a daily basis. :)

And, his creativity is contagious. He inspires some really cool stuff--things I might not have thought of otherwise. When I know that J will read my work/hear my idea/put his energy behind a project, I know I have to step it up, and take it to the next level.

I get to reach. And isn't that what it's all about?

J, thank you for your energy, your creativity, your constant support. I would be wallowing without you.

J, me caes bien.


  1. What a special post about a special person! I agree his creativity and enthusiasm is contagious!

  2. <3

    Nicely said, Heather. You guys are both very lucky to have great writing partners!

  3. Aw, I have warm fuzzies. <3 Jonny!!!

  4. Jon is awesome. I'm happy you found each other! There's nothing like finding a great crit partner :)

  5. What a wonderful post. And Jon's totally awesome.

  6. Totally well said! I agree wholeheartedly and you said it way more articulately. As I said at his j, OF COURSE!

  7. I am taking that comment to my group tonight. I feel the same way about each of the Inkers.
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  8. You sound like you have an awesome crit partner!


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